I'm turning nineteen. Yep, nineteen. Soon will come twenty, then twenty one, thirty, fifty. How long will I stay life? God has own rule, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore. The matter is, how is my life going to be. I get older and older every time. I have to grow, I have to change. But, how should I change? How should I grow up? What'll happen if I can't? These questions are haunting my mind. I take off my glasses and put in below the lamp. A glimpse of light is mirroring on the glass. What is this? Should I just do it like this? See through the glasses and see the destiny like a bright light? My life ain't going to be easy, but I hope it won't become too hard. Just go on, flow like a stream of water, like a stream of wind.
masihkah ada
setitik jiwa
diantara serpihan bara
bilakah ada
seucap kata
yang sejukkan rasa
bila itu ku 'kan dapatkan
jika itu ku 'kan temukan
segalanya 'kan kuberikan
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